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Substance Abuse Therapy

Do you think you have an alcohol or drug abuse problem?

  • Are you finding concentrating more difficult?

  • Feel depressed and have much less energy?

  • Are noticing rapid changes in mood or temper? 

  • Have stopped regularly attending school or work?

  • Are less interested in attending social events?

  • Are no longer interested in some activities or hobbies?

  • Have lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time?

  • Have a new group of friends who drink & use drugs?

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  • Notice that your alcohol or drug use is causing problems at school or work?

  • Have recently asked to borrow or have stolen money to buy alcohol or drugs?

  • Are in any legal or financial trouble due to drinking or drug use?

  • Spend a lot of time thinking about taking or getting drugs and alcohol?

  • Are having problems with family and other close relationships?

  • Have glazed or red eyes, a runny nose or a constant cough?

  • Thought about cutting down on your alcohol or drug use?

  • Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your alcohol or drug use?

  • Have your love one commented or criticizing alcohol or drug use?

  • Have you use alcohol or drugs first thing in the morning to get you started?

If you have answered “YES” to two(2) or more of the questions, give us a call so we can  determine if you or your love one has crossed the invisible line into addiction or do you just need some psychotherapy to help you  refocus.

Addiction is a complex, chronic disease that requires more than “will power” to stop using alcohol or drugs despite negative consequences. It’s a disease that affect the brain “reward circuits” which makes it difficult to control drug use – no matter how much you wishes to stop.   

Addiction is a process which doesn’t happened overnight and unpacking it can be a complicated process.  Which is why PMCS works hard to “Empower the client, so they can Empower themselves,” by developing and implementing personalized therapeutic treatment plans to better address the client’s unique situation.  

Recovering from an addiction involves more than detoxification, it also involves learning and renewing the mind on learning to live without drug. Recovery is a life-long process, which is why committing to a therapy program is one of the most useful steps a patient can take. 

PMCS offers several counseling techniques because we recognize that no people are the same, suffers from the same addictions, shares the same factors that led to addiction, or respond to therapy in the same way. Here are some of the most common approaches: 

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-focuses on modifying responses to negative events and developing healthy coping skills.

Community reinforcement - learns life skills that will help him avoid his addiction in the future.


Motivational enhancement therapy  - used in treatment to encourage the patient to commit fully to treatment and recovery plans.

Family counseling - includes patients and their families. The family learns about the causes of addiction, how to reduce the risk of relapse, and behaviors that support the patient’s recovery.

12-Step Group - accepts that an addiction is a disease, surrenders to a higher power that will help with recovery, and actively participates in a 12-step program group.

Contact us if you are ready to be Empower, so you can Empower YOURSELF to live in recovery or figure out your path towards rebuilding a happy, meaningful, and sober life that you deserve.

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